Hooking up my vcr to my gateway? - info on vcr/dvd players/recorders parts/repair
I have an Akai TV DVD VCR combo, and I want to connect my VCR on my desktop gateway connection. VHS tape that I copied my hard drive is protected by copyright, we must also know how to ignore them. and it is hard to do, because it not only pay the VCR? So we only need, what kind of cable and software I need to know. Akai TV not ProjectOne my HD plasma or rear only to traditional TV, I bought it about 4 years ago. well thank you 4 the info! :) And what can I do to get better? I have something like DivX is a way, videos in HD and comes with a drive to play HD videos, so I can use this function?
To save your computer, you must have a video capture device, often an external USB device with RCA composite video or S-video input connections. Some have audio inputs, and if not, you should use the LINE IN of the audio.
Simply connect the audio and video outputs on the VCR / DVD recorder.
The course of processing / recording Sotware necessity and reality of an A / V files ...
After the A / V file on the computer that can be burned onto a DVD created.
This is for advanced / Computer People v.
You need a video capture card for your computer. Then you can connect with the output of the VCR / DVD player connected to the input of the TV card. Video quality depends largely on the quality of the card and the speed of the computer. When you capture video, you can use any number of programs to convert AVI to Divx.
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